Conference "Sexuality in Old Age: time for equality and inclusion”
The Centro de Atendimento e Serviços 050+ (CASO 50+) will host the conference "Sexuality in Old Age: time for equality and inclusion” on 28th February 2019, in Porto, Portugal. NGO’s, health and social care professionals, stakeholders and representants from the general public are encouraged to attend this event that tackles the problem of discrimination based on age, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics of older people.
Registration has been closed. |
Conference Agenda |
Presentations and MaterialsBest4OlderLGBTI team is posting presentations from the Conference "Sexuality in Old Age: time for equality and inclusion” for educational purposes. Please note all presentation materials are copyrighted by each individual speaker and should not be used without permission of the owner.
Bocaletti, Licia [ANS] - The Best4OlderLGBTI project
Cantiello, Maria [ANS] - Visibility of LGBTIQ+ older persons in the community and among professionals Harkay, Alexandra [KMOP] - DIVERCITY: Preventing and combating homo and transphobia in small and medium cities across Europe Linschoten, Manon & Meija Bosma [Roze50+] - Roze50+ : working together for older LGBTIQ+ Meijdam, Wester [European Comission, Representative of DG-JUS] - Advancing LGBTI equality in the European Union Telmo, Fernandes [ILGA PT] - Talk about the same… discrimination, prejudices, abuse |
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